August 30, 2017


R Packages


Co-creator and maintainer
Reference Page | Github

  • Access, retrieve, and work with Canadian Census data and geography.
  • Download data and Census geography in tidy and analysis-ready format
  • Convenience tools for searching for and working with Census regions and variable hierarchies
  • Provides Census geography in multiple R spatial formats
  • Provides data and geography at multiple Census geographic levels including province, Census Metropolitan Area, Census Division, Census Subdividision, Census Tract, and Dissemination Areas
  • Provides up-to-date data for the 2016, 2011, and 2006 Censuses


This package uses open source airport data to provide tools to look up information, translate names and codes into other formats, as well as some basic calculation functions for measuring distances.



Github | Twitter
A hackathon project to create a tweetbot that sends out a data visualization card for every city in Canada based on the 2016 Census data.

© Dmitry Shkolnik 2020

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